Cupcake toppers, w.o.n.d.e.r.f.u.l clients and a new rep...

Today I CHOOSE to ONLY see the good in every situation!!

As I sat down this morning the first thought was how blessed we are to have met such  a.w.e.s.o.m.e  people along the way. One amazing client makes up for a handful of .. .  lets say slightly more high maintenance clients :0)  We have built wonderful relationships along the way with both suppliers and clients and although we do not have the opportunity to socialise we think of each other as friends - a little bit like facebook without the pictures!! A BIG thank you for all the kind words, the encouragement and the prayers, I wish you KNEW what a difference it makes to our day when we receive your emails!!!!

We received an sms from Elna (Paint & Decor) early one morning to tell us about a photo of our birdcages that was published in the new LEEF magazine.  We would not have known about this otherwise - THANK you Elna - we appreciate the time and effort. It is a BEAUTIFUL shot of our humble birdcages and it looks like a million dollars - we are so proud :0)

Amy came across some more pictures of the baby shower that was done by Special events by Cindy. Sylvia kindly send us some pics before and we just can't resist showing this one with our cupcake toppers. Beautifully styled! Well done to all that was involved with this event it makes a beautiful picture!!

Last but not least we are so thrilled to welcome our latest member of staff. Danine is our new consultant and will be representing Doodles from Riversdal to PE (and everything in between) She will be visiting the retail stores as well as consulting with brides from these areas. We pray that you will have lots of fun with us!!


  1. I agree with you. There is a good in every bad that is happening. We need to understand why God has really given that.
    Everything is a blessing.
    orthopedic spine doctor Houston, TX


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