Decorex JHB - Been there - done that :0)

We have just returned from a VERY successful show and we are once again blown away by the response to our Doodles!!!!!

Decorex has been SUCH a wonderful showcase for us to meet shopowners, clients, brides, fans and friends from all over the country (and abroad) We have learned that there is no age or culture barrier but that we all share a soul that hungers for affirmation, for something pretty, precious and positive to surround ourselves with.

It has been a very emotional show for me as the love of my life passed away three weeks prior to Decorex, I can testify today that the love and prayers of my friends and family kept me going throughout the show, the support of those around me (including my amazing clients) has carried me every step of the way and it makes me realize that these words that we surround ourselves with EVERY day seems so empty unless it becomes YOUR truth and YOUR reality. We NEED to believe these wonderful truths in order to stay positive, calm and above all sane. I am so blessed to have access to so many encouraging &  inspiring saying and most of all loving arms to hold me when I fall.

Our team has come back victorious, knowing that we did our best and that it was more than good enough.

Thank you Doodles team, Decorex Staff and the amazing people out there who loves our products. 
