Decorex has come to an end and there is no words to describe HOW awesome it has been!!! We stand  amazed - how blessed we are to reap the fruit of our labour :0)

We are so grateful for  the wonderful people around us who has carried us and I would like to share a snippet from an email that we have just received from a VeRy dear client, Linda from Oregon & More in Piketberg:

Julle almal seker lekker moeg en gedaan, maar baie ander mense se huise nou gevul met huislikheid en warmte! Iemand het nou die dag die ongelooflikste opmerking gemaak deur te se hierdie woorde straal 'n onverklaarbare krag en seen uit - ek kon vir haar met groot oortuiging antwoord deur te se dat julle weet waar julle afhanklikheid vandaan  kom.

Baie dankie Linda, dit beteken meer as wat jy ooit sal weet!

A VERY BiG THANK you to Laureen, Carrey and all the amazing Decorex staff  who has been sooooo good to us. We APPRECIATE you and loved seeing you all :0) It has been a wonderful show and we look forward to seeing you in Jhb in Aug.
