So grateful for AWESOME clients in our lives....

We have decided that we HAVE to take time and THANK all the wonderful people in our lives who helps to make our business a success.  From our co-workers, to our spouses, families and clients, without you we would not be where we are today. God's GRACE has been AMAZING and we are so grateful!!!

Each email, encouraging word, compliment and positive criticism is taken to heart. We rejoice when you are excited about our work and we try harder when we make mistakes. We are encouraged when you take time to let us know that you like our Doodles and we are inspired when we get to see the end result at the weddings and in your shops.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Snippets from a very gracious client that ALWAYS encourages us with her very regular orders and words:

Wil net vir jou sê: Was die naweek Handelaarskou toe in Johannesburg - dit was lekker, dit was goed en daar is mooi goed, maar julle sou verseker groot opslae gemaak het en baie, baie goed gedoen het. Ek weet Decorex is 'n goeie afsetpunt vir julle en julle is tot oorlopens toe vol met werk, maar ek wil net vir jou sê julle is heeltemal in die kol en dit wat julle bied : uitstekend!

And also:
Dit gaan nog goed met al die "sê-goed" en jy bly nog die topverkoper op die kopers lys! 

and more...
Ek is baie bly dat julle so besig is en 'n vriendin was nou die dag met haar dogter by julle vir 'n troue en sy praat met soveel lof van julle hulp, raad, vriendelikheid en goeie beplanning! Julle is besig met 'n WENRESEP en ek is sooooo baie bly!

Please keep the emails and photos coming so that we can blog about your wedding, your shop or your business.

Take a peek at this beautiful baby room that  Jo- Lize from Floral affairs did for  her grand-baby using some of our Doodles.

You can visit her at
