So much to do, so little time...

We are expanding AGAIN :0)  It is time for the team to grow as we have purchased a second laser machine and we are soooo excited to say that as soon as the new baby is up and running we will be able to cut down on the waiting time for all our orders. WATCH THIS SPACE!!!

THANK you to ALL our VERY patient, loyal and extremely understanding clients. The last 4 months has been hectic and we never seem to have enough hours in the day to get all the email, quotes and orders out as quickly as we would like to. The good news is that we are very aware of that and we are working on doing better.

At the moment our lead time is 3-4 weeks BUT that should change VERY soon.

Judging by all the brides that we are seeing the wedding season has started and we are so happy to see fresh, new and fun ideas.

Please remember that we work by appointment only as we choose to spend quality time with you without any interruptions.

Spring is here - get out , get active and get involved. Charity begins at home - so make a difference where you are.
