We are MOVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After 7 looooong years of non-stop praying we have found our dream abode :0) We will be moving just around the corner (literally) from where we are.

Our new studio is a BeAuTiFuL ONE HunDrEd year old Victorian house with high ceilings, warm wooden floors and THICK walls :0)

This Victorian beauty has been undergoing a facelift for the last couple of weeks and the transformations which is captured on film by Wayne will be published soon (to inspire all who has always wanted to embark on this exciting journey)

We will be closed for business on Friday 25 March.

See you all at the new Doodles Cottage SOON.

PS: If you feel the urge to lend a hand, PLEASE don't hesitate to come :0)
