Catching up after Decorex Jhb

Just a quick re-assurance to let everbody know that we are receiving ALL the emails (thank you!) and will be getting back to each and every one of you.  We are also busy processing orders for stores that will be stocking our Doodles Gift SOON.

Please keep visiting our blog to see a list of suppliers as soon as the orders are shipped.

For those who phoned and emailed regarding the retail shopping, please be patient, we believe that our stock will be available in your area soon.  We would a.p.p.r.e.c.i.a.t.e  it VERY much if you could go to your nearest gift shop / florist and tell them about us, thus helping us to get the stock to your area sooner :0) All ideas and suggestions are WELCOME!

PLEASE remember that we will be teaching at a Retreat in Patrenoster on the last weekend of Aug. For more information regarding this - contact us on 021 852 0457 or email us on
